
通货膨胀居高不下,包括住房在内的所有东西的价格都上涨到了令人震惊的水平, there’s a lot of talk about another recession taking hold, or a temporary adjustment in the real estate market, 在过去的两三年里,是什么让人目不暇接. 

Have you thought about this, and what it means for your investment properties

Tough economies are tough on everyone. You might find yourself holding assets that dip in value, 你的租客可能会发现他们每个月都在努力支付房租. All of us remember those first months of the pandemic; when employment was as impossible to take for granted as your monthly rental payment. 

在经济困难时期,你如何保护你的租赁投资? 我们今天就来回答这个问题,以防你需要为未来的经济衰退做准备.

Rein In What You Leverage 

A tough economy is not the best time to hold a lot of debt. 在经济衰退或衰退期间或之前,我们总是建议业主谨慎使用杠杆.  当你发现自己持有太多债务时,债务的成本很快就会令人窒息. 当你最需要现金或股权的时候,你会感到更脆弱,更难以获得现金或股权. 

当你的财务比率下降时,再融资几乎是不可能的. If you’re worried about what you owe, 在任何困难时期之前重新谈判或重新融资你的贷款,这样你就有可能延长期限并争取更低的利率. 现在要做到这一点并不容易,因为抵押贷款的成本比以往任何时候都要高,但看看你的选择吧. 

你现在可能在经济上感觉很好,这很好. But, when you feel like the economy might be slowing down soon, it’s a good time to stockpile yourself a cash savings. It’s tempting to keep spending, and almost necessary now, 多亏了你面临的维护成本和所有东西的更高价格. But, if you can tighten your financial belt and spend less now, 如果经济好转,你就会处于更有利的地位. Don’t touch what you don’t need. 让你带来的租金积累在经营账户中,以确保你有足够的钱来支付即将到来的改善, leasing commissions, 或者在经济困难时期,有时更有压力的职位空缺. 

Put a Tenant Retention Plan in Place 


Put together a good tenant retention plan now, 当空置率处于历史最低水平时,你不太可能因为人员流动而失去很多住户. 你可以做很多事情来留住好租户,包括: 

  • 在信任和透明的基础上发展良好的租户关系. 
  • 良好的沟通和倾听,当你的租户需要听到. 
  • 对日常、紧急和预防性维护做出及时响应. 
  • 为租赁续期提供奖励,例如新设备或更新油漆. 
  • Keeping renewal rates reasonable, but still aligned with the local rental market

Tenants appreciate conveniences and amenities, too. Are you allowing pets? This is a great way to retain tenants and bring in more rental income. Be flexible with payment methods, too. 接受网上或电子支付会让租客满意.

Prioritize Preventative Maintenance 

当经济困难时,你不会想要更换屋顶或暖通空调系统. If you’re already dealing with a recession or a tough economy, 为你的租赁财产支付重大维修或更换费用会很痛苦. 


Have your HVAC system inspected and serviced annually. 确保你的屋顶被检查过,并保持警惕,寻找漏水和滴水,这可能表明未来的管道问题. 

当你专注于预防性维护你的投资物业, you’ll find there are fewer maintenance emergencies. There’s no danger of expensive deferred maintenance. Train your tenants to report small repairs right away. Don’t put off any work. 

An effective preventative maintenance plan requires: 

  • 一个强大的供应商和承包商网络,他们可以帮助保护你的财产状况. 
  • A maintenance budget. 愿意在这些预防措施上投资,这样你就可以长期省钱,并在经济不景气时避免昂贵的维修费用. 
  • 愿意与您合作,通过更换空气过滤器来保护您的财产的租户, keeping the property clean, etc. 
  • 例行检查和维护演练以检查潜在问题. 

预防性维护总是比紧急维修和意外灾难更具成本效益. Invest in this now, so that when you’re worried about money later, you won’t have large repair bills looming over your head. 

Watch Market Trends 

Check the Housing Market随时了解房地产市场,特别是当地房地产市场的最新表现. 销售市场将和租赁市场一样重要. Check the real estate news. Listen to podcasts. Subscribe to newsletters. 

Work with a Visalia property management team

你要确保你知道现在发生了什么,接下来会发生什么. No one has a crystal ball, but when you welcome experts into your network, 你会发现有很多东西要学,而且你学到的东西会非常有价值, especially if there’s a downturn. 

随时了解最新的法律、竞争房产以及销售价格. 还要关注租金,并注意房屋出租需要多长时间. Follow the trends and the tenant demands. Get to know what your ideal tenant looks like, what they earn, and what they’re looking for in a rental home. 

Invest in technology and automate what you can. 

了解市场及其表现将有助于你做出预测. 如果市场确实发生变化,形势开始变得严峻,这将帮助你感觉不那么脆弱. 

Working with property managers can also help ease some of the uncertainty. Want to talk about the economic trends we see coming? Contact us at The Equity Group. We can discuss how your rental properties will be affected.